The Brazos River in Richmond is at Gage Elevation 11.4 feet. Toward the end of the week we could see a slight increase in water levels on the Brazos River due to upstream rainfall and reservoir releases making their way through the lower Brazos River. The NWS is forecasting drier conditions to start the week with increased rain changes into the Weekend. The 7-Day Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) is showing the lower Brazos River Watershed receiving less than 1 inch of rain over the next 7 days. Based on the current forecast, no flooding due to the Brazos River through Fort Bend County is anticipated.
The National Hurricane Center is currently watching 3 tropical disturbances. At this time, there are no immediate threats to Southeast Texas; however, we are approaching the traditional peak of Hurricane Season. Residents along the Texas Coast are encouraged to watch for changes in the forecasts and stay up to date through you preferred source (i.e. National Weather Service, Space City Weather, and Local News).
See the attached Flood Risk Report.