The Brazos River in Richmond is currently at Gage Elevation 13.78. Based on the 7-day extended forecast, no flooding along the Brazos River is anticipated.
This Week
The extended forecast is showing a continuation of our weekend weather with highs in the low to mid 90s with relatively low rain changes over the next several days. Our highest chance for rain is Tuesday and Wednesday; however, overall the forecasts are showing less than B= inch over the next 7 days.
Atlantic Tropical Weather Outlook
The National Hurricane Center is giving a tropical disturbance a 20% chance of forming over the next 5 days. The disturbance is currently over the eastern Caribbean Sea and is expected to move west-northwestward across the Caribbean Sea and the Greater Antilles during the next few days. At this time, it is anticipated that this tropical wave could move toward Florida before making a north-northeasterly turn avoiding the western Gulf of Mexico.