The Brazos River continues to fall from the rainfall the watershed received over the past few weeks. Currently, the Brazos River at the Richmond Gage is at Gage Elevation 9.36 feet. A weak cold front has pushed through the Region bringing cooler, drier nights for a few days. Our rain chances remain low through Thursday. The Region could see a return of humid conditions and increased chances for rain starting on Thursday running through the weekend. The 7-Day Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) is showing the lower Brazos River Watershed receiving less than ΒΌ inch over the next 7 days. Based on the current forecast, no flooding due to the Brazos River through Fort Bend County is anticipated.
The National Hurricane Center is tracking 2 disturbances in the Atlantic. None of these systems are an immediate threat to the Texas Gulf Coast but we are continuing to watch for any changes in the forecasts. Please continue to stay weather aware by following your favorite local weather source, including the National Weather Service, National Hurricane Center, and the West Gulf River Forecast Center.
See the attached Flood Risk Report.