The Brazos River in Richmond remains in Action Stage at Gage Elevation 25.51 feet. The Brazos River peaked at Gage Elevation 28.8 feet on Saturday and is currently falling. The WGRFC anticipates staying in Action Stage into the weekend. The NWS shows another wet week, but rainfall forecast totals are lower than we experienced over the past couple of weeks. The 7-Day Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) showing the lower Brazos River Watershed receiving between ¼ to ½ inches of rain over the next 7 days. Based on the current forecast, no flooding due to the Brazos River through Fort Bend County is anticipated.
See the attached Flood Risk Report.

Lower Brazos River (Region 8) Regional Flood Planning Group Update
Data Collection is Underway for Lower Brazos Regional Flood Planning! The Lower Brazos Regional Flood Planning Group (Lower Brazos RFPG) is seeking input and information pertaining to flooding issues in Region 8. This data collection activity is critical to the development and success of the first-ever Regional Flood Plan for the Lower Brazos Basin. Input is crucial to better understand local flood risks and mitigation efforts, as well as to develop a Regional Flood Plan that accurately reflects flood-related conditions, efforts, and needs across the entire region. To participate in the survey, please visit
Additionally, the BRA has added quick links to join future meetings and add reminders to your calendar. Please visit for more information.