Currently, the Brazos River in Richmond remains low at Gage Elevation 9.7 feet. The WGRFC is anticipating a slight rise in the Brazos River, peaking around Gage Elevation 12.4 in Richmond. The 7-Day Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) is showing the lower Brazos River Watershed receiving less than 1 inch over the next 7 days. Based on the current forecast, no flooding due to the Brazos River through Fort Bend County is anticipated.
The Region will start the week with increased rain chances and cloudy skies through Wednesday before artic air pushes its way through the Region Thursday night. High temperatures Friday and Saturday are in the 30s with low temperatures in the low 20s to possibly 10s. During that time, the Region should see sunny skies with no precipitation expected. According to some weather local weather sources, many areas north of I-10 will likely experience 30-40 hours below freezing from late Thursday through mid-day Saturday. Areas south of I-10 have a slightly better chance of reaching 32-34 Friday afternoon, but this may be optimistic and many of those areas may also stay below freezing for an extended period of time as well. All residents are encouraged to complete all cold weather preparations by Thursday afternoon. Please stay weather aware and follow the 4 Ps of Winter Weather: Pipes, Pets, Plants, People.
See the attached Flood Risk Report.