As of 8:15 AM on May 8, 2024, the Brazos River in Richmond is in Action Stage and is currently at Gage Elevation 42.48 feet and rising. According to the 8:29 AM forecast, the WGRFC anticipates the Brazos River reaching Gage Elevation 44.5 feet on Friday. Although the current forecast does not typically bring major flooding to Fort Bend County, whenever the Brazos River is elevated local rainfall becomes more of a concern. Through Saturday,
local rain chances are low. There appears to be signs supporting heavy rainfall
to develop in across the Region starting on Sunday afternoon possibly into Monday but it is too far out in the forecast to know the exact location and amount of rainfall. As of this morning, the Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) is showing the lower Brazos River Watershed receiving between 1 to 2 inches of rain over the next 7 days. The majority of this could occur Sunday through Monday. Additional updates will be provided as we approach the weekend. Even if the additional rainfall does not development into any serious, this
event serves as a good opportunity to review action plans as we head into hurricane season.
Based on the current forecast, the District does not anticipate emergency operations; however, the District’s team is continuing to monitor conditions along the Brazos River and within the District and is ready to respond as needed. Please note, forecasts and conditions can change. Everyone is encouraged to stay weather aware by following their favorite local weather source, including the National Weather Service and the West Gulf
River Forecast Center. If you have not ready done so, please remember to sign up for Emergency Updates from Fort Bend County.
Flood Risk Assessment Attached