As of 9:15 AM on May 2, 2024, the Brazos River in Richmond is in Action Stage and is currently at Gage Elevation 29.63 feet. According to the 9:20 AM forecast, the WGRFC anticipates the Brazos River reaching Gage Elevation 41.6 feet early next week. As shown on the forecast, the WGRFC graphic does not necessarily represent the peak elevation at the Richmond Gage. Based on the San Felipe and Hempstead forecasts, the Brazos River through Richmond could peak slightly higher than this elevation. We should have a better understanding of the peak over the next 24 hours as the rain chances start to decrease after Friday. The 7-Day Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) is showing the lower Brazos River Watershed receiving between 1 to 3 inches over the next 7 days. Please note the majority of this rainfall could occur today through Friday. Based on the current forecast, the District does not anticipate emergency operations; however, the District’s team is continuing to monitor conditions along the Brazos River and within the District and is ready to respond as needed.
Please note, forecasts and conditions can change. Everyone is encouraged to stay weather aware by following their favorite local weather source, including the National Weather Service and the West Gulf River Forecast Center. If you have not ready done so, please remember to sign up for Emergency Updates from Fort Bend County.
See Flood Risk Assessment attached