With the current rain throughout Texas and in our area, river projections have began to increase on the Brazos. Right now, projections are 38.4′ which doesnb t pose any threat to District’s levee systems. Based on what we are seeing and with the continued releases upstream, we will probably see a river crest in the low 40s which does seal off gravity flow to all pump stations. After speaking with the County, they believe it will probably stay up for an extended period of time (a week or so) until water levels throughout Texas can drain out. The District and LMS are preparing for a 40b elevation on the river and going through our Action Stage protocol. Should the river reach 40′, we will pump any rainfall that occurs to make sure we are always at full storage internally. All pump stations are fully operational and ready to go should more rainfall come to the District. There are projections of 2-4b of rain over the next week, which is well under what our pump stations can handle. The District doesnb t anticipate having to run pumps for a long period of time to catch up on internal water levels.
We will continue to monitor the upcoming river heights and give provide updates on this site should things change.
10/17/18 River Projections